Your local Bekins agent will contact you to schedule a virtual or in-home estimate. We’ll have a friendly and experienced representative complete a walkthrough of your belongings to ensure an accurate moving estimate. This can be done in-person or virtually.
Get Your Free Moving Estimate: Out-of-State Relocation Estimate
Moving out-of-state? Fill out the form below to get a moving quote:
Moving in-state? Our full-service move calculator is used for out-of-state moves only. If you’re moving within your state, find your local Bekins agent to get started.
The best place to start when planning your move is to get a moving company estimate. This will allow you to accurately plan and budget for moving day. To learn more about Bekins moving costs, fill out our in-home estimate form above. Although in-home estimates won’t be the exact amount of your move, it’ll give you an idea of what to expect.
So, what is a Bekins in-home moving estimate? Your out-of-state moving estimate is determined by many different factors. Primarily, it comes down to the weight of your belongings and the distance they need to be transported. In your in-home moving estimate, we’ll offer options for additional services you might want including full or partial packing, appliance services and special handling needs.
Moving estimates help get your move, moving! Knowing what to expect price wise can help you land on a moving date, what services you’ll need and what your budget allows. There’s a lot that goes into moving out of state—but relocating with Bekins makes the process easier!
An in-home moving estimate will simply give you an idea of how much your move will cost. However, it’s a great place to start! If you’re looking for a free moving quote for your out-of-state move, plug in your information above.
Our in-home moving estimate is used for out-of-state moves only. If you’re moving within your state, find your local Bekins agent to get started. They can answer your questions and help provide a local moving quote or estimate.
The amount of a moving service depends on the type of service, number of belongings, distance of your move and more. For example, moving specialty items will cost more than packing and loading cardboard moving boxes and small house decor. Fill out our in-home estimate form or get in touch with us at 1-866-815-9701 with any questions. However, no matter what moving service you need or how complex it may seem, the moving professionals at Bekins can do the heavy lifting, literally!