The Bekins Blog

Tips on Moving

Seasonal Moves

Moving as the temperatures plummet? Lucky you! There are plenty of advantages to moving in the fall. Relocating during cooler temperatures means you get to skip the hustle and bustle of summer moving, the weather conditions are often preferable for lifting and moving your belongings and much more. However, you still need to prepare to…

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New Home Living

You’ve just moved into your new house or apartment. Maybe you’ve unpacked the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom… and you have one daunting task left: the closet. Moving into a new space is a great time for a fresh start—and an organized closet is a great way to get started. Follow our tips on how…

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Packing How Tos

Set yourself up for success on moving day by becoming your own professional packer. From creating a packing timeline to color-coding your moving boxes, there’s plenty you can do to pack like a pro! Packing up your entire life can be stressful, to say the least. Having confidence that you can keep your belongings organized…

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Packing How Tos

When you’re getting ready to move, one of the first steps is usually packing your belongings. From a closet full of clothes to the cupboard of dishes, you’ll most likely need a variety of boxes. Knowing which moving boxes you need and why can help make a big move much easier. Moving boxes aren’t just…

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