The Bekins Blog

Women’s History Month: Femmes Make Firsts with Pat Schilling 

March 29, 2021 | Bekins Company News

Chelsea Hugunin: Thanks so much for speaking with us again, Pat. Remind us, please: what’s your history with The Wheaton Group?

Pat Schilling: I am The Wheaton Group’s first female Driver of the Year.  

CH:  Yes! Such a proud moment. How did you get started driving and when?  

PS: When I went into recovery from addiction nine years ago, a program through US VETS paid for my CDL. I’ve had my license since 2012, and I’ve been a mover for 19 years.  

CH: That’s an awe-inspiring history, Pat. What’s the best part of being a driver?  

PS: Being of service to my customers. Especially our military because I’m a United States Navy veteran. Also, while driving my truck I always get the thumbs up because the back end of my unit says “YOU’VE BEEN PASSED BY A GIRL and “PROUD LADY VET.” I’m also known as the Bekins Princess.  

CH: Thanks so much for your service! Those are some great bumper stickers. Next, would you please describe your favorite memory as a driver?  

PS: Receiving the first female driver of the year. It was a game-changer for all us ladies. Now there are two of us that have received the driver of the year award. [Heather Maiden won the award in 2019 with her husband Keith.] 

CH: That’s right! What’s something many people believe about household good drivers that isn’t actually true? 

PS: As a female driver, they don’t believe I will be the same driver on both ends. They think I go home every night and a guy will take their shipment across the country.  

CH: I hadn’t thought of that. What’s something you wish other people in The Wheaton Group network knew about you or drivers in general?  

PS: Girls can load their own wagon. We’re not no-touch drivers. Maybe more ladies should post pictures of their tiers as they load. 

CH: Thank you for your time, Pat!  



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