The Bekins Blog

Tips on Moving with Children

August 18, 2011 | Household Moves

Moving to a new home in a new city is one of the most stressful events in a family’s life.  The transition to a new home, a new job, new neighbors and friends brings on anxieties for an adult, but think about children.  Children need to learn about their new home and surroundings so that they feel part of the process and so it won’t be so unfamiliar to them.

  • Talk to your children early on in the move process.  Make sure you let them share their feelings about their fears and anxieties.
  • Encourage them to draw or write a story about what they are feeling.
  • Give them information on their new city.  Go online or go to the library and let them find out about things in theirnew city.  Show them on a map where they’re moving.
  • Find out more about the new school they will be attending.  Look to see whether the school has a web site to gather more information about it.
  • Be sure to let them know they can keep in touch with their old friends and family via letters or even e-mail.
  • Allow them to make some decisions about the move.  Let them know that all of their personal items can move with them.  Let them decide which items to move.  Help them decide what to do with the toys and clothes they’ve outgrown.  Get them involved if you have a garage sale.
  • Tell them about the move process and how the movers will be packing and loading up their items in a “big” truck.
  • Be sure to have them pack a “special bag” of items that they can keep with them so that they can feel “safe” and comforted during the move.
  • Set aside some activities to keep children busy and out of the way.  If possible, it is recommended that children not be home during moving day.  Try to arrange for your children to stay with a friend or family member during this hectic and stressful day.
  • Keeping the lines of the communication open during a move will help your family transition to your new home and community and help children cope with the stress of a move.

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